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别名: 二凤(越南语版)


黑道大姐二凤金盆洗手后与女儿阿梅相依为命,二凤因加入黑道被逐出家门,她本人也疏于表达对家人的感情一天,阿梅被歹徒掳走。二凤在与流氓阿直交手后得知女儿去向。在警探阿良等人的帮助下,二凤开始了夺回女儿的冒险。  展开全部


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  • 1964 2.0


      John is a shipmaster on a very small transportation boat which regularly attends a very small harbour to buy food, actually from Anna’s father. She is a waitress and has a young daughter. She tells John that her name is Anita. They have met many times, but their first personal meeting is when both are swimming in early morning. John is asked to have morning coffee with Anna’s family. He invites her and her child to a trip to Zoo in Copenhagen. Both have genuine feelings for each other. There are lovely three-some scenes when John is proud of "being" a father, and beautiful love scenes. Christina Schollin’s naked body is cute but never obtrusive. But at that time girls were depreciated if they "gave in" too soon. So these scenes repeatedly alternate with hot misunderstandings, well-known exactly when two people with genuine feelings fear misunderstandings and try to preclude them. In the last minutes of the movie, when each has left the "harbour village" on the next day, and John has learned the real name of "Anita" and calls her from the boat, both realise without saying anything about it, that this is the beginning of a long relationship based on mutual feelings.

  • 1988 8.0


    历经无数战火与生死考验,孔武有力的豪情勇士约翰·兰博(西尔维斯特·史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)放下手中的杀人武器,在泰国过起了平静的修行生活。这一日,特劳特曼上校(理查德·克里纳 Richard Crenna 饰)突然出现在他面前。此前不久,上校受命率部队前往阿富汗,协助当地的圣战勇士反抗苏联人的入侵。虽然照片中阿富汗平民饱受外敌侵略和蹂躏的情景触目惊心,但兰博还是拒绝了上校的邀请。某晚,特劳特曼的部队在执行任务途中遭到苏联军队的伏击,其本人也不幸沦为阶下囚。得知这一消息,兰博再也无法静观其变。浴血战士重披战甲,只身闯入充满凶险的阿富汗腹地,展开一场紧张纷呈的绝命营救…… 本片获1989年金酸梅最差男主角奖。

  • 2018 4.0

    记得我 나를 기억해

    婚期将近的高中教师书邻(李宥英 饰),收到来自大家的祝贺礼物,在她喝下办公桌上的咖啡后,随即陷入了昏睡,直到隔日清晨才被学生唤醒,从此她宁静的生活一去不复返。不久,书邻的手机收到一封来自「Master」 的恐怖骚扰讯息,内容竟是自 己不省人事时的照片,更令她不寒而慄 的是,这一切彷彿是14年前相同的噩梦重演。                                                                    书邻找来前刑警国哲(金希沅 饰)一起追查案件真相,希望能找出幕后黑手「Master」。此时,书邻班上的学生们也开始收到「Master」的骚扰讯息,事件主角变成是班上的一名女学生。侦办过类似案件的国哲也直觉不对劲,当情况越来越诡谲,究竟两起案件的关联与牵扯为何?而隐身在黑暗中操控一切的「Master」到底是谁呢?

  • 2001 9.0



  • 2005 4.0


      Set in the 1930s, an American with a scandalous reputation on both sides of the Atlantic must do an about-face in order to win back the woman of his dreams.

  • 2002 1.0



  • 2016 4.0


    When Tory Coro turns up dead, the neighborhood turns up silent. Rumor has it she became yet another victim of the small town known as FIGHT VALLEY. Tory's sister Windsor moves to town to begin her own investigation on her sister's mysterious death after weeks of no leads from the police. She's quick to learn that Tory fought for money to make ends meet. If girl-next-door Windsor is going to make her way into FIGHT VALLEY to find the truth about Tory, she's going to have to fight her way in. "Jabs" (Miesha Tate) swore she would never throw a punch in the Valley again. Jabs now finds herself training Windsor to survive the painful, unexpected path she's about to take. Every corner. Every alley. Every doorway. She must follow the last footsteps of her sister in order to e face-to-face with Tory's killer in FIGHT VALLEY.

  • 2018 6.0
  • 2023 7.0
  • 2000 5.0


    故事发生在美国独立战争时。本杰明(梅尔•吉布森 Mel Gibson 饰)是法国裔美国人,他曾参加过法国人与印第安人的战争,身经百战。残酷的战争令他失去了心爱的妻子,他发誓要永远远离战争。 所以当英国殖民者将战争烧到本杰明的家园时,他首先选择的不是奋起反抗,而是躲避。当他看到他的大儿子参加了当地组织的爱国者军队时,也没有跟着挺身而出。 但是,当他的大儿子被敌军俘虏,小儿子挺身去救哥哥而被打死时,本杰明再也按捺不住了。他这时才清楚意识到,只有反抗才能解救家园于水火。

  • 2016 3.0


    《女娲成长日记》是一部由阅文集团、腾讯视频、神鱼影视联合出品的神话喜剧网络电视剧,该剧故事改编自凌舞水袖所创作的热门同名ip小说《女娲成长日记》   主要讲述了女娲、伏羲、太白金星、杨戬等这些大家耳熟能详的神话人物,“穿越”到现代,过上目标为“重振天庭,众神归位”的生活故事。

  • 2021 10.0






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