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  • 2023 4.0
  • 2023 7.0

    After Signal


  • 1984 7.0


    阿黄(许冠文 饰)是一名料理师,个性有些轻浮又十分爱现,但实际上,他是个名副其实的“妻管严”。阿黄和爷爷(许英秀 饰)一起住在岳父(卢海鹏 饰)家中,岳父性格武断又强势,生活中阿黄免不了要受气,日积月累下来,阿黄的心中积蓄了许多不满。 某日,一位名为施施(叶倩文 饰)的美丽女子出现在了阿黄的面前,她正是阿黄的梦中情人。让阿黄没有想到的是,施施竟然对自己一往情深,还邀请他去菲律宾度假,这样的好机会阿黄怎么能够放过,两人遂即动身。阿黄的妻子(邹美仪 饰)和好友雪莉(叶丽仪 饰)得知此事,遂和父亲一起,对阿黄展开了“追捕”。

  • 2019 10.0



  • 2022 5.0

    致命邮件:2001 美国炭疽攻击事件


  • 2016 2.0



  • 2016 4.0



  • 1971 7.0


    Evdokia (Greek: Ευδοκία) is one of the most important works of Greek cinema. Evdokia is a drama of passion whose main characters are a sergeant and a prostitute who get married after a brief passionate idyll. Very soon, however, the influence of their environment strains their relationship, and the man tries to break away, but without success. The pair are surrounded by harsh l... (展开全部)   Evdokia (Greek: Ευδοκία) is one of the most important works of Greek cinema. Evdokia is a drama of passion whose main characters are a sergeant and a prostitute who get married after a brief passionate idyll. Very soon, however, the influence of their environment strains their relationship, and the man tries to break away, but without success. The pair are surrounded by harsh light, the rock, the bare landscapes and the military exercises, on the one hand, sensuality and constrictions, on the other. Because of her occupation, Evdokia both attracts and repels the sergeant. The petit bourgeois environment, the lumpen elements, the social fringes and petty interests stifle the young couple, which appears to want to rebel, but doesn't succeed.

  • 2022 2.0

    22-23赛季NBA常规赛 尼克斯VS掘金

    11月17日 22-23赛季NBA常规赛 尼克斯VS掘金

  • 2015 3.0

    STAY Zaka...我会想你的

    Jook is a girl who has always dreamed of publishing her own book. She decides to combine her dream and her studies by thinking about working on a final project - a journal about food in Japan, with her best friend Ann. A journey to complete her dream then begins and her destination is a small farm at Saga, Japan. But in the end, Jook unexpectedly has to go to Japan by herself b... (展开全部)   Jook is a girl who has always dreamed of publishing her own book. She decides to combine her dream and her studies by thinking about working on a final project - a journal about food in Japan, with her best friend Ann. A journey to complete her dream then begins and her destination is a small farm at Saga, Japan. But in the end, Jook unexpectedly has to go to Japan by herself because suddenly, her best friend decides to ditch her.

  • 2017 9.0


    该片是系列电影濒临灭绝之首部《混世女魔王》,将于2016年6月底开机。这是由富顺人参与投资、富顺籍演员主演的首部穿越题材电影。   女主角刘子漫曾在歌唱、演艺、慈善等多个领域获得不俗的成绩。由于个人原因专心培育宝贝,息影了一年有余。受广大粉丝的拥戴和赏识,为了答谢广大网民的支持和拥护,决定复出即准备开拍这部以环保话题的新电影。   据悉,该片将搭实景进行拍摄,该片将关注当前最具争议的环保话题,号召大家关注环保。刘子漫的上一部电影作品《森林孤影》的拍摄地点是原始森林,也为新电影的发挥奠定了基础,这将使喜爱森林系列电影的影迷们更为期待。

  • 2018 5.0



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