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  • 2023 2.0
  • 2021 5.0



  • 2021 2.0


    茅山派传人积极抗击倭寇,保家卫国为己任,为阻止倭寇的恶行,除奸惩恶,舍生取义的精神感染了百姓,百姓的民族使命感被唤醒,拿起武器团结一致,终于将倭寇消灭。茅山派传人的爱国行为和民族大义精神,值得人们学习和赞扬。茅山派传人所秉承的道教教义旨在教导人们平和心态,指导人与人之间和谐相处,自强不息的建设美好家园,弘扬积极的道教文化,有利于构建社会主义和谐社会。道教所提倡的 “善道教化”、“苦行济世”的训诫,意在激励人们多行善举,行善济世能使自我生命具有超越自我的意义。

  • 2001 7.0


    公元前的印度孔雀王朝,宾头沙罗国王之子阿育王子(沙鲁克·汗 Shah Rukh Khan 饰)勇猛善战,虽遭兄弟忌恨陷害,却接连立下汗马功劳,声望扶摇直上。面对荆棘环绕的王位,阿育起先沉着应对,不以为意,最终还是应母亲(Shilpa Mehta 饰)的苦苦哀求隐姓埋名,离开王宫。修行途中,阿育邂逅美丽动人的卡列加公主卡瓦奇(卡琳娜·卡普 Kareena Kapoor 饰)。失意时节相知相守,一对不平凡的青年男女爱情花朵恣意绽放。不过正如僧侣所说,太阳即使躲在云层后面仍是太阳,阿育注定重返王宫,继承王位

  • 2019 9.0


      Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne face the chaos Gotham City has become, as villains who survived the attack on the city begin to resurface and claim various territories; Selina Kyle grapples with how to deal with her uncertain future...                                                                      ——本季为《哥谭》系列最终季。

  • 2018 1.0



  • 2022 2.0


      乔治·麦凯、凯莉·麦克唐纳、休·博纳维尔将领衔主演Netflix黑色惊悚片[我曾来过](I Came By,暂译)。影片由巴巴克·安瓦里([阴影之下])执导,讲述了一位叛逆的英国年轻涂鸦艺术家的故事,他以富裕精英的家园为目标,却发现了一个令人震惊的秘密,这也导致他踏上了危及自己和最亲近人的旅程。影片将于英国开机,2022年上线Netflix。

  • 2015 4.0


    After breaking out of a rehabilitation zoo, Frankie, a squirrel with all the angles, returns to his forest. He learns from his dim-witted best friend, Cody, a porcupine and street-con, that while he was in lock-up, the entire forest was picked clean by The A.C.O.R.N.S. Institute (Alternative Cosmetic Oils for Regenerative Natural Skin-care). No acorn was left behind. With winter just around the corner, it's a potentially devastating blow to all forest critters. So, Frankie has no choice but to bust into the brand new, state-of-the-art, rodent-proof A.C.O.R.N.S. Processing Plant and take back all of the acorns! Though a seemingly impossible heist, success would not only save the lives of his forest friends, but it would also give Frankie a chance to win back the love of his life, Lola, a local show squirrel. Sadly, Lola has been burnt by too many of Frankie's false promises in the past. With the support of Frankie's old mentor, Mr. Bellwood, a wealthy badger, Frankie and Cody assemble a team of top notch crackers from all over the forest, including a bat named Fly Boy, a top notch munitions expert; Raitch, a computer hacking albino snake, who never allows her lack of appendages to get in the way; Edsy a tiny family frog, whose ability to freeze himself solid for days on end without harm is invaluable; a germophobic French rat named Liam, who can collapse his skeleton to get into any space; Chinese father-daughter pangolins named Pango and Lin, the best diggers in the forest; and Bellwood's hedgehog butler, Oscar who knows how to get his hands on anything the crew needs. With winter knocking at their door, Frankie and his crew have only three days to prepare and execute this unprecedented heist. When they learn that the processing of their forest's acorns has been pushed up a day, Lola's refusal to participate leaves Frankie and his crew one critter short. With everything on the line, Frankie and his crew of Animal Crackerz set out to pull off the biggest heist in animal history!

  • 2022 5.0

    22-23赛季西甲第10轮 巴拉多利德VS塞尔塔

    10月20日 22-23赛季西甲第10轮 巴拉多利德VS塞尔塔 

  • 2011 6.0


    Lucas Davenport (Mark Harmon扮演),曾是美国明尼阿波利斯市警局副警长,如今却是一家电脑公司的合伙人,当 Davenport 还是警察的时候原本可以早早退休并享受安逸的晚年生活,但犹如男人对香车美女痴迷那样,Davenport依旧热爱着当警察的这份事业,真正退休后还不忘关注着警局发生任何动向;直到一宗离奇案件发生后,Davenport被再次召回警局,这起案件源于一个警察在目睹当地一位房地产法律顾问的妻子被害后自己也离奇被害身亡;于是整个警局立即组织刑事组侦破此案,被害人的丈夫那位房地产法律顾问首先成为嫌犯,而当一群来自FBI特工的调查组 (Davenport称他们为“低能儿”) 的介入使得案情变得更加扑朔迷离,根据FBI特工提供的线索,案件幕后主使者被锁定一个叫Clara Rinker (Tatiana Maslany扮演)...

  • 2022 7.0

    21-22赛季NBA常规赛 国王VS火箭

    4月2日 21-22赛季NBA常规赛 国王VS火箭

  • 2009 10.0


    新一季的全美超模大赛America's Next Top Model的选手和往年的有些不同,这一季的选手的身高平均都在1米71 (5 ft 7) 以下,所以这一季是制造卖点还是什么我们拭目以待!

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